revolutionising storytelling in singapore &
southeast asia

Who am I?

I am a filmmaker (directing, writing & producing), film programmer, film critic & film community organiser based in Singapore, and the larger Southeast Asia region.

When I was 8, I was determined to be a game designer, having been influenced by virtual worlds such as Club Penguin and Wiglington and Wenks to connect individuals over a common love of storytelling, world-building, and interaction. Years later, whether I studied theatre or literature, or built my professional footing in film, these values have not changed: community through and in storytelling.

Outside of film, for my leadership and community service, I have been recognised with the inuagural Nanyang Technological University Talent Scholarship, SAF Chief Commando Officer Coin, Goh Chok Tong NextGen Outstanding Student Leader Award, and CITI-YMCA Youth-for-Causes Merit Award.

Find out more about what I’ve done under ‘My Work’, and use ‘My Next Steps’ as a touchpoint for us to collaborate!