Some things in development that we can get cracking on together!
let’s work together!
find something that interests you?
independent features
With arthouse sensibilities supported by commercial elements, join my team and I as we work towards independent feature films coming out of Southeast Asia and Singapore.
prestige shorts
As Research & Development for new ideas and new talents, help support my team and I as we work on each other’s short films intended for the festival circuit, and occasionally new media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.
episodic content
Tapping into new media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok, my team and I are working on gripping stories featuring the brighest new talents for these platforms.
a queer film festival for singapore & southeast asia
As a continuation of Short Circuit, we’re working on a queer film festival for Singapore and the region.
a film magazine for singapore & southeast asia
True consolidation of the regional market requires interest in and attention to the region. We’re working on a platform to promote that interest.
a film distribution company for singapore & southeast asia
It’s hard to get our wonderful works seen. We’re working on a company to make that happen.