A series of three narrative short films commissioned and to be released on Our Grandfather Story, a popular new media platform on YouTube.
Project 1: Drawn Together (expected May 2025)
Written & Directed by Wee Li Shyen
Two children of different races meet at a playground and embark on their own missions and friendship together amidst their troubled backgrounds at home.
Project 2: Living & Remembering (expected May 2025)
Written, Produced & Acted by Agnes Goh
Directed by Daniel Yam
A middle-aged woman faces difficulties in planning for a final trip to Japan together with her cancer-stricken father.
Project 3: Moving House (expected May 2025)
Written & Directed by Faraz Hussein and Tan Pei Lin
When a family downsizes their house amidst the patriarch’s dementia, a moving-on mother clashes with her daughter still clinging to a piano from his past.